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Sample Resolution:
Submitted To: The Political Committee Submitted By: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan Subject: Situation in the Middle East
The Political Committee,
REMINDING 1993 Oslo Accords in which promoted peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis and called for the transfer of power and responsibilities of the Gaza Strip and West Bank to the Palestinians,
EMPHASIZING Resolution 242 calls upon the withdrawal of all Israelis from all territories gained through war conflicts.
RECALLING UN Resolution 446 calls upon Israel not to transfer members of its own civilian population into occupied Arab territories and that “the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East”,
NOTING the failures to follow through the UN Partition Plans and the Oslo Accords, the Six-Day War, the isolation of PLO post the Gulf-War, and the ongoing violence are the evidences of the failures regarding Palestine and Israel,
STRESSING peaceful in the Middle East,
1. ENCOURAGES maintaining peace and bring progress and prosperity to the entire region; the need to promote harmony among the Muslim countries, addressing the challenges of extremism and terrorism, and a peaceful solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict;
2. CALLS for the Israelis to continue the process started with the withdrawal from Gaza would be continued in the West Bank and cease fires from both regions in order to expedite the process;
3. URGES a transfer of power and responsibilities to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, so they may have control over their own affairs;
4. CALLS for the Israelis to continue the process started with the withdrawal from Gaza would be continued in the West Bank and cease fires from both regions in order to expedite the process;
5. AFFIRMS NECESSITY to create a special UN envoy with Islamic cultural and historical expertise to evaluate and elevate the current living conditions of Palestinian refugees;
6. EMPHASIZE for the establishment and recognition of Palestine as an independent state in order to ensure stability in the region.